at Effie, Minn.

One of the signature events of the North Star Rodeo is the Wild Horse Race,
usually the concluding event of each performance day.

This, the 2009 Sunday event (07/26/09), was comprised of 5 three-wrangler teams, and 5 wild horses in the arena.
The object is to be the first team to saddle the wild horse before the first white line, and then ride the horse from the first, to the second white line at the far end of the arena. The saddling is usually the hardest part, and sometimes the HORSE wins, by dragging the wrangler, attempting to saddle him, the length of the arena.

SPILLS & THRILLS! In these short videos, a cowgirl (in the magenta shirt) is off to a rough start, but dusts herself off and, a few moments later, goes on to the winning ride of that day's competition.
A well-won victory, considering. Audio is included, so turn your speakers on.

A Rough Start (5mb)                      The Winning Ride(2mb)

Video files are quite large, so if you don't have broadband, you may want to grab a sandwich while they're downloading.
You must have the Quick Time movie player or similar .mov format viewer, to view these.
For free Quick Time Player download, click on your system: 1. XP or Vista or 2. Older systems
